Transfer Complete!

We ended up doing a day 3 transfer yesterday.  My doctor called me on Monday morning to let me know that our 5 embryos were still doing well and that 3 were ‘Superior’ and 2 were ‘Average’.  As a result, he wanted to talk about my thoughts on transferring all three superior embryos on day 3.  I hate these kinds of phone calls.  Not because of what he was telling me because it was all great news but I cannot process this type of thing.  I didn’t know the doctor would call and ask me what I was thinking when I HADN’T BEEN THINKING!  I hate being unprepared.  Anyway, we chatted a bit about triplets and if he would recommend reduction if all three were viable.  He said no so then I started thinking about my life with triplets and about fell off my chair.  Why my brain still jumps ahead that far, after all we’ve been through, is baffling.  I asked what he would do.  This is my usual line of questioning and then I usually say “dum da dum, o.k.” and then think about it and change my mind later.  I love my doctor for what he said because I feel like it was a totally honest answer.  He said “well, I would do all three because I’m a pessimist and wouldn’t think all three will work out.”  I think I’m a bit of a pessimist too but all three might work and that sounded like too much for me. We got off the phone deciding we’d do a day 3 transfer and figure out the transfer number then.

We arrived for the transfer right on time cause that’s what I do (my husband was a few minutes behind me).  I had a nice full bladder and everything.  So nice that the nurse complimented me for following directions.  Who the heck doesn’t follow the directions?!?!  We met with the Doc who told us that we still had 3 very good embryos but that there was some minor fragmentation.  We also had a 4th average one and the 5th was deteriorating.  The question was whether or not to do 2 or 4.  The Doc indicated that there are studies that show higher pregnancy rates when transferring smaller numbers of embryos more times.  There are studies for everything and in this case, this was just the stat we needed to know to confirm my gut feeling that said ONLY TWO.  My husband and I had talked at length about our comfort level so it was a no brainer day of.  We will freeze the other two.  The Doc said that there’s a higher risk for the average embryo to not survive the thaw, when we get there, but we felt it was worth the risk. 

Into the transfer room we went!  Again my husband with awkward laughing…. the doctor said he needed to “wash my cervix” so he basically squirted a bunch of water up in there and the squirter made a funny noise so my husband started giggling a little bit which makes me laugh.  Honestly, don’t be such a 12 year old!  Haha!  The whole process of infertility treatments is just so far outside normalcy.  Seriously.  Wash my cervix?!?  As I lay there with 3 people having a looky loo at my privates.  No decency anymore.  Overall the transfer went great.  Slight discomfort but hardly even worth noting.  I laid there for a little while and then off we went.  I came home and laid on the couch and listened to the Circle + Bloom Transfer program and…. yep, you guessed it… fell asleep.  It was a very relaxing nap so I think that means it worked.  I went to acupuncture later in the afternoon which was also quite relaxing.

So here we are… 2 embryos!  I feel a little crampy today.  More than I would like but I am trying to just relax.  The body goes through a lot during this process.  I took yesterday off and am working from home today (obviously I am working super hard considering the timing of this post… guilty!).  I am only planning on getting a couple of things done and the retreating to the couch to watch some movies.  Yesterday I watched some movie from 1992 with Michelle Pfeiffer and the All State guy.  It was good and no I don’t know the name.  I also watched Roger and Hammerstein’s Cinderella starring Brandy.  I LOVED that movie and Brandy for the entirety of my Junior year of high school.  I am a sucker for musicals. 

I am not all worried about the wait for the pregnancy test.  Right now, I feel like I kind of don’t want it to come.  I don’t want to know if this fails.  I am optimistic now.  Too optimistic probably.  I love that we got a picture of the embryos but that’s the connection.  They are real.  My babies.  Please, babies, snuggle in for a long time… if you need a timeline, lets go with 38 weeks.  While many of you will be wishing for time to speed up, I will be wishing for it to slow down.  Keep my babies with me while I can. 

10 thoughts on “Transfer Complete!

  1. Sounds like everything went really smoothly, I’m green with envy that you could fall asleep after transfer, you must have been really really relaxed! That’s awesome. Let’s hope this is it!!!

  2. Hey congrats for doing the transfer! I had a similar experience with having to unexpectedly think about things on our feet… During my first IVF, on day 3 when we were supposed to transfer. You can see it here:
    It was very tough to make very important decisions without knowing ahead of time that we had decisions to make. Happy you went with your gut and hoping for the best for you. 🙂

    • I am sure trying. It’s hard though but so far so good. There are ups and downs but not like I’ve experienced in the past. I guess I don’t know if that’s good or bad. lol! I think it’s good though. 🙂

  3. So glad that things went well yesterday! Loved the comment about following the instructions – seriously, who in the hell would go through all of this and then not be prepared for the only exciting part of this process – the transfer!! Sending huge buckets of love and positivity to those two little embryos – come on guys, you need to snuggle in for a long time!

  4. I’m crossing everything that can be crossed for you hon. And thank you for explaining everything so well. It gives me a really good idea of what to expect for my own transfer on Friday 🙂

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